Lesson 2: Killing and eating
In this lesson, Daniel talked about the reality of believing that the category of non-human person encompasses plants and fungi. His voice is so soft and manner so gentle that it cushions the impact of his words which are: to live is to kill. We eat the bodies of other beings in order to power our life. So, in a way, it does not matter if you are eating cousin Rabbit or cousin Kale - they are both people and both give their lives for your sustenance. To presume to create hierarchies of worthiness (eating animals is killing but eating plants is not) is a mental dodge to escape the uncomfortable truth that we live because others die. He also invited us to understand that our relationship with our food is not a one way street and the fact that the plant and animal others die for us to consume is a fact without moral judgement inherent in it. It is human-centered thinking to assume that humans are always the ones choosing the relationship and that the relationship is always us exploit...